Netlab Windows 7
2020. 3. 6. 19:37ㆍ카테고리 없음

ImageVirtual MachineCiscoITEv6MasterWin2012R2Windows Server 2012 R2CiscoITEv6MasterWin71Windows 7 PC 1CiscoITEv6MasterWin72Windows 7 PC 2CiscoITEv6MasterWin811Windows 8.1 PC 1CiscoITEv6MasterWin812Windows 8.1 PC 2Storage RequirementsThe ITEv6 Pod will consume 47 GB of storage per each user pod instance.Details of the storage requirements for each of the labvirtual machines in the ITEv6 Pod are provided in the table below.Some fluctuation in the numbers may occur.
Microsoft Windows 7 Free Download

Netlab Windows 7 Free
FACILITIESThe Computer Science Information Technology department provides a number of shared computing resources to support the various instructional programs.